Design a portal animation that opens into another world, with glowing edges and depth effects.
Figbruary is a fictional month created by combining Figma + February where you can experiment and design things daily to push the limits. For every 24 hour day within this 672 hour timespan of the month, we have prepared a prompt with instructions for you to design and create.
PS. - You don’t have to follow the prompt exactly. Or even at all.
Share your work and tag it with #figbruary or #figbruary2025
Community members share not just on X/Twitter, but also on all social media platforms including LinkedIn, threads, Twitter, Instagram, Peerlist and more. So, you can find it using the hashtag #figbruary or #figbruary2025.
This is not affiliated with Figma in any way
2023 - 25, Initiated by @realvjy, contributed by community